Business Cards: I think I finally got it right!
So business cards are still a thing. We do exchange them at networking events. A lot of people are going v-card or LinkedIn app based connection, but the pieces of cardboard still have a place in our society. So as part of launching Start with Tinni, had designed a new business card. Took me three goes but I think I finally got it right!
Firstly, let’s have a look at the first business card I ever designed — my card for Virgo 19 that I also use as a personal introduction card. I am proud of the TC in a binary motif that’s the header for this website.
Of course, I also slapped the banner I created for the Virgo 19 page on the back. Because technically, the card is supposed to be for Virgo 19, my app making business. It’s still technically going! I am not doing much with it at the moment, but it is still active.
Looking back at the card, I can say that I don’t much care for it. It’s okay but not memorable and isn’t great for branding. I am not saying my new cards are better at branding. But they are prettier.
Draft 01: Start with Tinni
However, I almost didn’t go for a pretty card because the first draft of my Start with Tinni business cards was a bit drab.
I went with a spaceship because that’s common imagery in startup land. Since my foundation clients were going to be from startup land, my brain fixed on motifs common among entrepreneurs. That includes the chalkboard.
So I thought I was being clever with the chalkboard drawing of a spaceship with the quirky title of “Start Consultant”. Thankfully, I asked for comments, and it didn’t play well with actual people. They didn’t get, and while I am beginning with startups, I do eventually want to work with small businesses. So I started rethinking the startup-heavy imagery as well.
Draft 01: Start with Tinni
So for the next draft, I want with more vibrant colour, and a picture that I thought was abstract enough to be open to interpretation. But still conveying what I am offering. Namely, a digital future or networks, data in the palm of our hands and greener pastures to be had past the digital horizon. People loved it!
I had 50 square cards printed through Both the shape and the colours seem to make the cards a little bit more memorable than your average business card. But that’s not to say that I am getting increased callbacks, although that might have something to do with the fact that the first print of my new cards had two flaws!
Final: Start with Tinni
Firstly, I left out my business mobile. Secondly, once printed, the black lettering proved a bit difficult to read. Both these I fixed for the second print. My new cards have arrived, and I look forward to using them more in 2019!
On that topic, I didn’t attend the anymore social gathering this month. So I doubly glad I went to the Silicon Beach Brisbane: Startup Christmas Party.
I am glad for the break, however, because big things are happening for me in January and February that I am looking forward to sharing. So watch this space!